Table of Contents
Celebrating Thanksgiving’ Magnificent About Page
Celebrating Thanksgiving is an important event, and this website is committed to understanding, educating, and promoting the Thanksgiving Holiday! We want people to understand how the holiday came about (its origins, famous events, that created the holiday. We also want to educate people about the traditions, history, and cultural icons of the holiday. People also need to be compassionate and charitable for this holiday. But most importantly, we want to people to celebrate the holiday. And celebrating the holiday can be done in many ways!
Thanksgiving is a time for getting together with people that are special in your life, people that are thankful, or friends that you enjoy spending time with. Thanksgiving gatherings, whether in a party type atmosphere or dinning atmosphere can be a joyous event.
From what we know of the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth we know that it was a great and joyous event where the Indians and the Pilgrims congregated with each other. William Brewster invited Squanto to a great feast and a good many of Indians and Pilgrims showed up. It was a great feast filled with much meat, fruit, vegetables, and seafood. From what we know it was a friendly event and there was a great deal of games and muses.
Within this website there are attached media and music. Native American music to traditional classical music that is reminiscent of the season. This media and music are all designed to get you in the Thanksgiving mood.
Celebrating Thanksgiving and Charity
Thanksgiving itself is a Holiday based in charity. The Indians were charitable to the Pilgrims and the Pilgrims were charitable to the Indians. It all came together as an abundant harvest that was shared by all. So, thanksgiving at its heart is a time to help each other. Thanksgiving is an important time to make sure people are not starving and that they have nutrition. To help people at this time you can volunteer at homeless shelters and food banks. To learn more about Thanksgiving charity follow these links…
6 Great Thanksgiving Charities to Donate To – The All Thanksgiving Site (
Celebrating Thanksgiving with Fun, Activities, Games, Media, and Decorations
Celebrating Thanksgiving can be fun with games, media, and activities. From the historical records it can be shown that the Indians and Pilgrims did play games. Football is an American pastime on Thanksgiving and a lot of people watch or play the game. Some also play board games or quiz games. There is also the Macy’s Day Parade – which many people watch.
Celebrating Thanksgiving – it is a Time for Food and Culinary Arts
Be our Guest, be our guest, put our service to the test. Not only do many people want a nice, cooked turkey on Thanksgiving (which is OK to avoid if you are vegan), but people usually want all the trimmings. Thanksgiving dinners can be such a delight: cranberry salad/sauce, yams, potatoes, string beans, stuffing, pumpkin pie, apple pie, pecan pie – you name it. Enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal and thank the person who made it!
Experience the Joy of other American Holidays
Celebrate Christmas
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Be the Santa Claus of your town and be the ultimate Christmas figure. Learn about the history of the Christmas Holiday. Learn about the important figures of the holiday like Jesus and Santa Claus. Take a look at cultural trends of the holiday. Learn some exciting Christmas recipes. Take a look at some fantastic geographical spots related to Christmas and do some excellent decorating with neat decorations. Visit our sister website down below:
The All Christmas Website – (
Celebrate Valentines
Ah love is in the air with this very red holiday. Everyone needs someone to love in their lifetime and this Valentines page is a monument for it. Learn about the history of Valentines Day and the actual Saint Valentines. Learn about fantastic love stories. Try to spice up your love life, (or maybe even sex life) – the Valentines site is the one for you. Learn about romantic dishes that are almost aphrodisiacs for the senses. Learn about brotherly love and bringing love around the world. Also learn about Valentine parties, decorations, ways to say I love you, all that and more – check out the links below!
The Website Dedicated to Valentine’s Day – (
Celebrate Patrick’s Day
Its green all over the place on this website! Explore this very green holiday and learn about Saint Patrick and the holiday’s history. Saint Patrick was a doer of good deeds for the Irish people. Ireland when Patrick did his missionary work was a land of heathen barbarians. Learn about Patrick’s exciting history. Learn about Irish and Celtic Culture, listen to Irish music, learn about green food (not all of it Irish). Decorate for Saint Patrick’s Day and learn about some Irish figures. Donate into special charities that help build underdeveloped areas – which is something like what Patrick did for the Irish. visit our sister website down below:
The Website Dedicated to St. Patrick Day (
Celebrate the 4th of July
This is a fantastic day celebrating Americas birth, liberty, freedom, and independence. Learn about the great figures like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Fredrick Douglas, Harriet Tubman, and Theodore Roosevelt. It’s all 1776 and liberty on this special page. Learn about great fourth of July fireworks. Help spread liberty and freedom around the globe with this charity page. Learn about great American food and barbeques. Learn about historical events like the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 4th of July decorations, prizes, colors, and music! It’s all here. Visit our sister website down below:
Everything About the 4th of July Website (
Celebrate America the Beautiful
Ah summertime when America is in its greatest splendor. The beaches and the lakes are in pristine condition. People are camping out at national parks. With this holiday, in late July, learn about the incredible beauty of this great continent. Discover the geography and wilderness. Learn about travel spots throughout this great nation. Learn about national parks and some sweet local travel spots. Get some more exciting tips on summer parties and summer events – go the beach, decorate to have a Hawaiian and Cowboy party. Listen to American summer music and some of the greatest hits. Have fun in the summer! Check out the links below!
America The Beautiful, July 31st (
Celebrate Halloween
Pumpkins are coming out, there is that ghostly fall air, the colorful autumn leaves are falling. It could be because Halloween is near! This ghostly and mysterious holiday will leave you asking – what is this all about? There are little kids running down the street asking for treats from the houses, people have lite pumpkins at their doorsteps, and there is a feeling of spookiness in the air. Visit celebrate Halloween to learn all about this exciting and spooky holiday. Learn about ways to celebrate Halloween. Learn about exciting foods made of pumpkins and ghoulish witches brews. Discover some of the haunting media and books along with fun games and activities. Check out the links below!