Finding and Helping a Food Drive Near Me – A Thanksgiving top 3 Activity

Finding and Helping a Food Drive Near Me

Finding and helping a food drive near me; this is something that might come to mind during the charitable Thanksgiving season. From its very inception Thanksgiving was a charity-oriented holiday. The Pilgrims did not understand the agriculture of the land and the Indians were obliged to help them raise their winter harvest. The Pilgrims in turn wanted to share the abundance of their harvest with the Indians who had helped them so much. About 90 grateful Indians showed up to the first Thanksgiving in fact!

During the first great American Feast of Thanksgiving there was a wide variety of food: seafood (lobster and clams), pumpkins, squash, corn, deer, wild turkey, fish, berries, etc. They cooked a great feast and from what we know of historical records, it was a joyous feast.

With so much charity in the meaning of Thanksgiving, what an example and fulfilling experience it is to help and volunteer at a local food bank. There are some people who are down on their luck or have been given a bad lot in life, these people need help to get by and back on their feet. For some people this could be the end and their last meal, who knows. At least with concept of charity in the Thanksgiving holiday we can volunteer some time to make a small difference.

And if your religious the bible commands it.

1 John 3:17 – If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?

I Found a Food Drive Near Me

I just found a food drive near me, by entering a “food drive near me” in the google search box. Through the search I found a great volunteer based, non-profit organization that supplies food to the needy. The company’s name is called Food Lifeline. So much food is thrown away from agriculture and farming – this imperfect surplus is great for helping the hungry. They basically need volunteers who will help sort and package food to give to the needy. And for Thanksgiving, I was feeling charitable and showed up.

The Food Lifeline Front Office
Volunteers gather in the lobby
Volunteers Gathering and Registration
We had a training video and tutorial Session. Food lifeline discusses how much food is actually thrown away.
Everyone gets their gear on and prepares to handle the food.
Me in the warehouse packing
People finishing their packing session and cleaning up
Leaving food lifeline – glad to help and volunteer.

Poems about Helping Others

Given to Me by Catherine Pulsifer

A helping hand was given to me
At a time when I felt I couldn’t see
I felt so down and so alone
What would happen next was unknown.

I felt the world was against me
But out of the blue, a helping hand was offered to me
I felt like an angel had been sent
Helping me to a great extent.

It was hard to accept but no choice I had
And when I accepted it wasn’t so bad
At that time I vowed I would help others like me
Because of the help I got, it set me free.

So if you need a helping hand
Don’t let your pride take over, just understand
We should all help each other
Because in the end, we are all sisters and brothers.

Helping Others by Kate Summers

Too often the world is full of only about me
Others need help and if only I would be
More generous and caring for others
Realizing at the end of the day we are all brothers.

We all have time to help another
Rather than looking the other way and taking cover.
It may be money, it may be time
It all helps if only a dime.

There is such a need in this world today
To lend a helping hand is certainly a way
We could give back instead of being greedy
The world is full of people who are needy.

Many times it is not their fault
Where they live is under assault
And you never know when the day will come
When you will need a helping hand and some.

So while the times are good for you
Consider others in all you do
Open your eyes and lend a helping hand
There is much we can do, and so much demand.

You will find blessings come back to you
And feelings of thankfulness will be true.
You will impact the lives of others in a way
That you may not realize, please help today.

9 Best Charities That Fight Hunger in America (Complete 2023 List) | Impactful Ninja

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