The sublime Thanksgiving Holiday – A Time for 4 Things Gratefulness, Harmony, Peace, and Charity

The sublime Thanksgiving Holiday – A Time for 4 Things Gratefulness, Harmony, Peace, and Charity

The Thanksgiving Holiday is a time for 4 things: Gratefulness, Harmony, Peace, and Charity. Thanksgiving can really have a lot of meaning though it is usually out shadowed by Christmas. Thanksgiving can be a time to really make a difference in our communities for the better!

With regards to Thanksgiving harmony and peace – despite what is inaccurate today – the first Thanksgiving was truly a harmonious and peaceful affair.  Squanto, who had become acquainted with the Indians, decided he liked them and wanted to help them learn agriculture.  Months before the autumn he taught them about the agriculture of the lands.  Squanto taught them how to fish and gather lobsters and clams, how to properly plant in the soil, he gave the pilgrims seeds of pumpkins, squash, and corn to plant in the ground.  Squanto also taught the Indians how to hunt in the forests.

                Squanto had helped the Pilgrims accumulate an abundant harvest.  William Bradford, the Pilgrims’ governor – was so grateful to Squanto he invited him to a harvest feast!  And from what we know from historical accounts many Indians showed up for the feast – possibly 90!  The Indians also did not show up to the fest empty handed.  They came with 5 deer and some wild turkeys – there was enough food for everyone!

And apparently at this first feast there was not just eating.  There were games and racing.  The Indians showed off their bow and arrow abilities, and the pilgrims showed off their muskets.  It was harmonious and peaceful gathering with the Pilgrims grateful to the Indians for helping them to prepare for the winter.  The Pilgrims and the Indians celebrated charity by sharing their food with each other!

The Thanksgiving Holiday: Treaty of Shackamaxon

Another time that a cooperative peace was establish was when William Penn, “The Father of Pennsylvania”, was able to come together with the Indians to make perpetual peace in 1682 with the Treaty of Shackamaxon.  Penn signed this treaty with the Lenape Indians in 1682 – It stated that there would be a state of perpetual peace between the Indians and Colonists.  However William Penn’s sons later reneged on the deal.

The Thanksgiving Holiday: The Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Lewis and Clark Expedition was also an expedition of peace and harmony, as well as with exploration.  Sacajawea was very hospitable to Lewis and Clark, and probably had resentment for some Indians as Sacajawea was kidnaped as a child.  Sacajawea helped the Lewis and Clark team to survive through the trek.  Shew knew about routes and special berries and herbs to eat along the journey. 

Though we think of Sacajawea as a guide through the journey, she is more noted as being an interpreter, negotiator, and diplomat by the journals of Lewis and Clark.  In October 1805, Clark noted that “Sacajawea our interpreter, we find reconciles all the Indians, as to our friendly intentions a woman with a party of men is a token of peace.” Further he wrote that she “confirmed those people of our friendly intentions, as no woman ever accompanies a war party of Indians in this quarter”.

The Thanksgiving Holiday: Doc Maynard and the Seattle Indians

Back in the pioneering days of Seattle Doc Maynard, a doctor, businessman, and founder of Seattle.  Doc Maynard helped the Indians and was friends with the Indian Chief – Seattle.  It was Maynard who requested that the city of Seattle be named after the important Indian Chief.  Maynard was considered suspect by the other Seattle Pioneers because of his relations with Indians and he was designated to be in charge of Indian Relations in the early days of the City of Seattle.

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