Happy Thanksgiving! Having a Good and Special Holiday

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Having a Happy Thanksgiving!

Having a Happy Thanksgiving and making it a memorable one can sometimes be a struggle! Sometimes Thanksgiving get togethers can seem a little overwhelming and labor intensive, but here are some tips to make sure that the day is appreciated and enjoyable!

Tips for Having a Happy Thanksgiving…

#1 Don’t Let One Person Do All the Work

Going to Grandma’s house, but grandma does all the work is not a fair and balanced holiday (even though grandma may be retired and have all the time in the world). Yeah, the family showed up, made a mess, and ate. Grandma was in the kitchen slaving all day, all the guys did was sit on the couch watching football, and all of the women just sat and talked through the whole celebration.

Its better at these gatherings to predetermine the menu for the Thanksgiving 2023 gathering. Make sure everyone knows what to bring and determine the menu beforehand. Thanksgiving at its heart is a potluck. And try to make sure everyone is assigned a task. If someone has no clue on how to cook you could assign them to buy pre-made pies at the store, to be the assigned dishwasher, to help set the dinner table, or to be the Thanksgiving decorator.

#2 Only Invite People that Will Make it a Meaningful Holiday

The drunk uncle, who gets plastered and makes everyone feel uncomfortable, the sister who is selfish and self-centered, the father who never helps with anything, etc, etc. There are certain people who can just drag your Thanksgiving Holiday down. If you want a meaningful Thanksgiving – then don’t be afraid to exclude people. Thanksgiving is a time for thankfulness, gratefulness, harmony and charity- and you don’t want to feel that Jerry Springer is the one who should be seated center at the gathering!

#3 Don’t Be Afraid of a Cosmopolitan Thanksgiving 2023

Are you living the fast life? but still want to celebrate a Happy Thanksgiving? Consider inviting friends for an appetizer-based party with bright refreshments. Have everyone bring their own appetizer and make it a quick potluck type of gathering. Perhaps create a small fund at the party where guests can donate to help the homeless during this time of year; so, people aren’t just showing up to your party for networking and hooking up. You could also provide some quick games – like pin the feather on the turkey or just fun trivia type video games in general.

#4 Be Open to Making It a Laid-Back Day

Many people live stressed out and on-the-go lives these days. Most people would love to have that extra day to just relax and take it easy. These types of Thanksgivings can be great, and don’t be afraid to have them. Gatherings can take time, and everyone has to get all dressed up and stressed out trying to bring family and friends together. Sometimes it’s good to have a day to take it easy from busyness of life.

#5 Make it a Meaningful Day

Most people, on Thanksgiving, focus on what they are thankful or grateful for – this can be a good thing! Many people have a great deal to be thankful for – the roof over their head, the food on their table, having loved ones surrounding them. Focus on harmony between peoples and making Thanksgiving a harmonious experience – stay away from politics and religion.

Here are Some Great Thanksgiving Ambiences, to Get you in the Mood.

5 Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving – wikiHow

Or Return to our Main Page!

The Thanksgiving Site – Everything About the Thanksgiving Holiday – (celebratethanksgiving.net)

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